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vineri, 13 aprilie 2012

Dragi cititori

Azi am hotarat sa deschid un nou sait in care fani echipei:F.C Rapid si F.C.Steaua Bucuresti sa fie in contact cu fiecare noutate.Momentan saitul F.C.Rapid a fost creat cu succes dar va urma si pagina  F.C.Steaua Bucuresti.Paginile vor fi postate in curand pe Blog.Today I decided to open a new site in which fans team: F.C. Rapid and F.C.Steaua Bucharest to be in contact with every novelty.Currently the site F.C.Rapid was created successfully but will follow and page F.C.Steaua. Pages will be posted soon on the Blog.

joi, 12 aprilie 2012

Arheologii au gasit la Biserica Neagra din Brasov peste 50 de morminte din Evul Mediu

Arheologii au gasit la Biserica Neagra din Brasov peste 50 de morminte din Evul Mediu
Arheologii care fac sapaturi pentru reabilitarea si reamenajarea curtii Bisericii Negre din Brasov au descoperit peste 50 de morminte cu oseminte care dateaza atat din Evul Mediu, posibil din secolul al XI-lea, cat si din epoca moderna.

Arheologul Daniela Marcu Istrate, coordonator stiintific al santierului de la Biserica Neagra, a declarat, joi, pentru Mediafax, ca de la inceputul lucrarilor, din 3 aprilie si pana in prezent, au fost descoperite aproximativ 50 de morminte cu oseminte care dateaza, probabil, din jurul anilor 1600 - 1700, insa este posibil ca in straturile inferioare ale cimitirului sa fie gasite oseminte care dateaza din anii 1200.
Arheologul a spus ca se stia ca exista un cimitir in zona Bisericii Negre, pentru ca in jurul oricarei biserici medievale a existat un cimitir, deoarece incepand din secolul al XI-lea s-a stabilit in lumea crestina ca cimitirele trebuie sa fie amplasate in imediata apropiere a bisericilor.
"S-au gasit in jur de 50 de morminte in pozitie anatomica, dar nu intregi, ele s-au deranjat unele pe altele deoarece in Evul Mediu si chiar in epoca moderna mormintele nu erau semnalizate, nu aveau cruci, monumente ca in ziua de astazi. Pur si simplu decedatul se punea in mormant si nu se mai cunostea locul. Din cauza aceasta ele se tot suprapun si pe putine le gasim intregi", a spus Daniela Marcu Istrate. Deocamdata nu se stie exact de cand dateaza cimitirul, deoarece se fac lucrari la straturile superioare.
"Logic, cele mai vechi morminte ar trebui sa fie din jurul anului 1200, cand banuim ca a fost colonizata aceasta parte a Transilvaniei si daca s-a fundat pe aceste locuri o biserica, atunci tot aici trebuie sa fie si primul cimitir. Noi suntem la straturile de sus, datand din jurul anilor 1600 - 1700. Inca nu avem date ca sa putem face o incadrare cronologica mai exacta", a mai spus arheologul. Inainte de inceperea lucrarilor propriu-zise de amenajare a Curtii Honterus, este necesara cercetarea arheologica pentru a putea fi evaluat situl.
De asemenea, pe langa aceste morminte au fost gasite si ruine ale unor cladiri.

duminică, 8 aprilie 2012

Cel mai talentat pusti al lui Dinamo, inlocuit de un stelist! Mutarea lui Ciobotariu ca sa nu-l prinda Steaua in clasament!

Cel mai talentat pusti al lui Dinamo, inlocuit de un stelist! Mutarea lui Ciobotariu ca sa nu-l prinda Steaua in clasament!ProSport / Considerat in ultimele sezoane cel mai bun produs al luiDinamo, dupa Torje, Alexe va fi inlocuit de un stelist.

Alexe s-a accidentat si va rata meciul cu Petrolul de astazi. In locul sau va intra Cosmin Matei, jucatorul alungat de Steaua, adus in aceasta iarna la Dinamo.

Cosmin Matei vine dupa o accidentare, suferita in meciul cu Gaz Metan din Cupa. El este prima varianta pentru Alexe, dupa ce nici Curtean, jucatorul adus de la Timisoara, nu a dat randament cu Rapid.

Alexe a suferit o pubalgie in meciul cu Rapid, iar medicii se tem ca accidentarea sa nu se agraveze, daca va fi folosit, scrie ProSport.
Dinamo risca sa fie egalata de Steaua si Vaslui in aceasta etapa, daca cele doua vor invinge, iar trupa lui Ciobotariu va pierde cu Petrolul.

Becali abandoneaza Steaua pentru o saptamana! Stoichita doarme linistit: n-are cine sa-l dea afara daca pierde cu Sportul!

MM ramane stapan la Steaua inainte de Paste. Patronul Becali pleaca la muntele Athos pentru a se reculege inainte de Paste.

 Becali abandoneaza Steaua pentru o saptamana! Stoichita doarme linistit: n-are cine sa-l dea afara daca pierde cu Sportul!
Vizita anuala pe care o face in Grecia il face de fiecare data sa uite de Steaua. Le va lasa angajatilor clubul in saptamana pe care o petrece in fiecare an cu gandul departe de fotbal.

Si Stoichita poate fi sigur ca va continua la Steaua chiar daca pierde cu Sportul. Becali nu are cand sa-l mai de afara. Imediat dupa meci merge sa-si faca bagajele pentru pelerinajul in Athos.

Visul lui Becali, "Steaua pe primul loc de Paste", va ramane neimplinit si in acest an. Echipa lui se poate apropia la cel mult doua puncte de liderul CFR pana la marea sarbatoare a crestinatatii. Pentru asta, trebuie sa bata Sportul si Otelul, in deplasare, iar CFR sa piarta si la Ploiesti, cu Petrolul, dupa ce a fost calcata in picioare de Rapid, 5-0.

DILEMA ZILEI pentru MM: "Toata lumea a vrut pe Ghencea, ceva nu se leaga!" Vezi cate bilete s-au vandut la meciul cu Sportul!

DILEMA ZILEI pentru MM: "Toata lumea a vrut pe Ghencea, ceva nu se leaga!" Vezi cate bilete s-au vandut la meciul cu Sportul!E clar! Doar National Arena mai salveaza onoarea Ligii I. Stelistii au vrut pe Ghencea, dar nu se inghesuie sa cumpere bilete. Dinamovistii au avut o singura data peste 10.000 de oameni pe teren propriu in acest sezon. Pe National Arena.

DILEMA ZILEI pentru MM: "Toata lumea a vrut pe Ghencea, ceva nu se leaga!" Vezi cate bilete s-au vandut la meciul cu Sportul!
Steaua va juca meciul cu Sportul cu stadionul aproape gol. MM e disperat si nu intelege. Fanii au vrut ca echipa sa revina in Ghencea, insa nu cumpara bilete. Meciul cu Sportul poate atinge un record minim de asistenta pentru Steaua.
"2.000 x bilete deocamdata... dar toata lumea vroia in Ghencea... ceva nu se leaga... pe National Arena am fi avut peste 20.000 :(", a postat MM Stoica pe pagina sa de facebook.

sâmbătă, 7 aprilie 2012

Vlad the Impaler

Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia (1431–1476), also known by his patronymic name Dracula (son of the Dragon, after his father Vlad II Dracul), and posthumously dubbed Vlad the Impaler (Romanian: Vlad Țepeș pronounced was a three-time Voivode of Wallachia, ruling mainly from 1456 to 1462, the period of the incipient Ottoman conquest of the Balkans. His father was a member of the Order of the Dragon (Dracul) which was founded to protect Christianity in Europe.
Vlad III spent much of his rule campaigning against the Ottoman Empire and its expansion.As the cognomen, 'The Impaler' suggests, his practice of impaling his enemies is central to his historical reputation. During his lifetime, his reputation for excessive cruelty spread abroad, to Germany and elsewhere in Europe. The total number of his victims is estimated in the tens of thousands. The name of the vampireCount Dracula in Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula was inspired by Vlad's patronymic.
Vlad III Dracula
Prince of Wallachia

The Ambras Castle portrait of Vlad III, c. 1560, reputedly a copy of an original made during his lifetime.
Reign1448; 1456–1462; 1476
BornNovember 13 1431
BirthplaceSighișoara, Transylvania, Kingdom of Hungary
DiedDecember 1476(?) (aged 45)
Place of deathBucharest, Wallachia
Royal HouseHouse of Drăculești (branch of theHouse of Basarab)
FatherVlad II Dracul
MotherCneajna of Moldavia
During his life Vlad wrote his name in Latin documents as Wladislaus Dragwlya, vaivoda partium Transalpinarum (1475).
His Romanian patronymic Dragwlya (or DragkwlyaDragulea, Dragolea, Drăculea is a diminutive of the epithet Dracul "the Dragon" carried by his father Vlad II, who in 1431 was inducted as a member of the Order of the Dragon, a chivalric order founded by Sigismund of Hungary in 1408. Dracul is the Romanian definite form, the -ul being the suffigated definite article (deriving from Latin ille). The noun drac "dragon" itself continues Latin draco. In Modern Romanian, the word drac has adopted the meaning of "devil" (the term for "dragon" now being balaur). This has led to misinterpretations of Vlad's epithet as characterizing him as "devilish".
Vlad's moniker of Țepeș ("Impaler") identifies his favourite method of execution. It was attached to his name posthumously, in ca. 1550.

Internal policy

Vlad found Wallachia in a wretched state: constant war had resulted in rampant crime, falling agricultural production, and the virtual disappearance of trade. Regarding a stable economy essential to resisting external enemies, he used severe methods to restore order and prosperity.
Vlad had three aims for Wallachia: to strengthen the country's economy, its defense and his own political power. He took measures to help the peasants' well-being by building new villages and raising agricultural output. He understood the importance of trade for the development of Wallachia. He helped the Wallachian merchants by limiting foreign merchant trade to three market towns: Târgșor, Câmpulung and Târgoviște.
Vlad considered the boyars the chief cause of the constant strife as well as of the death of his father and brother. To secure his rule, he had many leading nobles killed and gave positions in his council, traditionally belonging to the greatest boyars, to persons of obscure origins, who would be loyal to him alone, and some to foreigners. For lower offices, Vlad preferred knights and free peasants to boyars. In his aim of fixing up Wallachia, Vlad issued new laws punishing thieves. Vlad treated the boyars with the same harshness, believing them guilty of weakening Wallachia through their personal struggles for power.
The army was also strengthened. He had a small personal guard, mostly made of mercenaries, who were rewarded with loot and promotions. He also established a militia or ‘lesser army’ made up of peasants called to fight whenever war came.
Vlad Dracula built a church at Târgșor (allegedly in the memory of his father and older brother who were killed nearby), and he contributed with money to the Snagov Monastery and to the Comana Monastery fortifications.Matthias Corvinus had received consistent financial support from the Pope to fight against the Turks. But he had spent the money on completely different purposes. He now had the Ottomans at his borders and needed someone to use as a scapegoat.
When Vlad came to him to ask for his help with fighting the war, Matthias Corvinus arrested him using false documents: a forged letter, in which Vlad supposedly pledged loyalty to Mehmed II and promised to strike an agreement with the Ottomans over Wallachia.
Vlad was imprisoned at Oratia, a fortress located at Podu Dâmboviței Bridge. A period of imprisonment in Visegrád near Buda followed, where the Wallachian prince was held for 10 years. Then he was imprisoned in Buda.
The exact length of Vlad's period of captivity is open to some debate, though indications are that it was from 1462 until 1474. Diplomatic correspondence from Buda seems to indicate that the period of Vlad's effective confinement was relatively short. Radu's openly pro-Ottoman policy as voivode probably contributed to Vlad's rehabilitation. Moreover, Ștefan ce Mare,Voievod of Moldavia and relative of Vlad intervened on his behalf to be released from prison as the Ottoman pressure on the territories north of Danube was increasing.After the sudden death of his brother Radu III the Fair in the year 1475, Vlad III declared his third reign in 26 November 1476. Vlad began preparations for the reconquest of Wallachia in 1476 with Hungarian support. Vlad’s third reign had lasted little more than two months when he was assassinated. The exact date of his death is unknown, presumably the end of December 1476, but it is known that he was dead by 10 January 1477. The exact location of his death is also unknown, but it would have been somewhere along the road between Bucharest andGiurgiu. Vlad's head was taken to Constantinople as a trophy, and his body was buried unceremoniously by his rival, Basarab Laiota, possibly at Comana, a monastery founded by Vlad in 1461. The Comana monastery was demolished and rebuilt from scratch in 1589.